
About Balatreepura

BALATREEPURA AGRO INDUSTRIES LIMITED is a Limited company duly incorporated under the Companies Act 2013 in January 2021, having registered office at 223/2, Paikee, Opp. Mirambica Rice Mill, Adroda Road, Village At Dhedal, Bavla, Ahmedabad -382220 (INDIA). It has been running successfully under the leadership of Mr Dipak Patel, who established this company through proprietorship which was later converted to a Limited Company with the measure of backward integration. It has experience of over 20 years in the manufacturing of Poha, Mamra, Rice and Cattle Feed.

The main objective of Balatreepura Agro Industries Limited is to meet the highest standards of quality and supply the best end products in the ever-rising market.


Most Reliable
Quality Certifications
Highly Experienced
Long Term Partnership


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